Get Involved

Begin your Volunteer Journey today. . .


If you would like to volunteer in Cork, here are a few ways you can get started.

1.  Click the “Search Opportunities” button above, and look for volunteer oppotunities near to where you live or work. We always add new opportunities, so please do check regularly.

2. Join the Cork Community Volunteer programme. This is a team of volunteers in Cork that works together to support festivals and events happening in Cork City and County, and also is available to respond in emergency situations. Free training is provided. If you would like to learn more, or sign up, please click the “Community Volunteer” button above. 


If you successfully volunteer with an organisation, please let us know, so we can give you a Volunteer Discount Card. 

(Pictured on the right: Cork International Film Festival Volunteers November 2021)



If your workplace would like to volunteer in Cork, or support volunteering here are a few ways you can help.

1.  Contact [email protected] to register your interest in doing a team project in a community group or charity in Cork.

2. Sponsor a Cork Volunteer Award for our 2022 Volunteer Award ceremony.

3. Connect with Cork Volunteer Centre and offer your skills or services to support a community group or charity. 

4. Sign up to our Cork Volunteer Discount Card Scheme and offer 10% discounts to volunteers who present a valid card. Email [email protected] for more information.

 (Pictured on the left: EazyCity team painting the Cork Volunteer Centre  November 2021)



Community & Non-Profit Organisations

If your organisation would like the support of volunteers in Cork here are a few ways you can request help.

1.  Please call all a member of our team so we can support you in advertising your volunteer  vacancy.

2. Click the “Events & Outreach” button above to see our upcoming training and outreach programme. 

3. Nominate a volunteer for the Cork Volunteer Awards.

 (Pictured on the right: Blood Bike South receiving their Cork Volunteer Group of the Year Award in November 2021)



Our Service

Cork Volunteer Centre provides a placement service, matching individuals who would like to volunteer, with non-profit organisations who involve volunteers in their activities. Advice and support is offered to both volunteers and non-profit organisations through a range of services including information, consultation, volunteer management training and Garda vetting administration.

Cork Volunteer Centre is affiliated with Volunteer Ireland and is funded by the Goverment of Ireland.

Supports for organisations

We provide the following supports:

  • Advertisment ofvolunteer opportunities and volunteer referrals.
  • Support developing volunteer roles & policies.
  • Volunteer management training.
  • Garda Vetting.
  • National Volunteer Week.
  • Cork Volunteer Awards.
  • and much more...
Benefits of registering
By registering with I-Vol, your organisation will gain access to the Cork Volunteer Centre newsletter as well as the national database for volunteers. 
You will be able to post volunteer opportunities on our database allowing you to gain access to a far greater field of potential volunteers. Your organisation will also be able to gain access to training and networking opportunities run by Cork Volunteer Centre and other organisations registered with I-Vol. 
You will also be eligible to partake in the annual Cork Volunteer Awards and any events taking place for National Volunteer Week. You will also gain access to direct volunteering support from our staff. You will also be eligible to partake in training courses we run such as Volunteer Leadership Training (VLT), Social Media Training for Non-profits, Accounts training for Non-profits, and more. 

I volunteer because the contact with other people makes me better and helps me to develop new skills, including my English speech and listening.

Volunteering is much more than giving your time to help someone. It is sharing in experiences and making others feel important.

- Allysson

13 North Main St, Cork

Monday-Friday 9a.m.-5p.m.
Closed each day from 1p.m.-2p.m

+353 21 4251572